February 2025
Our move to NSW has almost completed. I am back working on new designs, and working on new projects.
Our New Address is: 26 Frederick Drive Oyster Cove NSW 2318
November 2024
Sails and Components are not being made or supplied until January 2025,
Plans are available as usual.
September 2024
I have been working on a new IOM design NEO for some time. This was intended to be a 3D printed design only, but it will be released soon first as a plan for conventional construction and then early in 2025 updated for the 3D printed version.
June 2024
The new Erebus 10r design is the result of me needing a new hull plug to build a new lighter boat after I stupidly sold my Phoenix 6.1 plug some time ago. The plug of the P6.1 was fine I just wasn’t happy with the deck or rig design. I wanted to go back to the Phoenix 1 to 4 and 8 style flat deck boat to simplify the build and hopefully produce a lighter boat.
Previously I have built both an A class and a 6 Metre both with flat decks and both with simple keel stepped carbon IOM style rigs with the ram built into the deck at deck level and a conventional gooseneck. Both these boats also have 15 degree kinked main and jib boom which I found lowered the rig more than having a raised foredeck and cockpit. The construction was considerably simpler and lighter than previous IOM style 10r builds. I have never liked the upside down goosenecks anyway.
I was after a straight swap for my existing hull using the existing foils and rigs (until modification) which meant I needed the waterline, LCB and Prismatic to be in the same as the P6.1.
The Erebus shape is based on the Ellipsis IOM shape, with the same numbers as the P6.1. The hull is more rounded and has more reserve buoyancy above the waterline which will give the hull more lift over waves. The bow profile also has been lifted slightly for the same reason. Hull balance should be excellent.
The sail plans are similar to the P6.1 but have been modified to suit the new deck design.
The name Erebus was attached to this design in the early stages and seems to have stuck. I like black boats.
Erebus was the Greek God of Darkness. The name “Erebus” is also used to refer either to the darkness of the Underworld, the Underworld itself, or the region through which souls must pass to reach Hades.
Plan price is $40AUD in PDF on both my PLANS page and my TEN RATER PLANS Page. There are no 3D drawings of this design at this stage. These will be available later.
May 2024
New to my PLANS and MARBLEHEAD Plans Page is the Ellipsis M Version 2a Marblehead 2018-2024 This design is based on the successful Ellipsis IOM concept, as is the second of two sailing prototypes for the Equation M design. Of the 3 designs produced, this is favourite and was the only hull created by cutting the Ellipsis IOM in half and adding 128mm to the middle section and then re-fairing. The hull was then rescaled to the needed size and shape. Plan price is $30AUD in PDF or DXF and DWG is needed. There are no 3D drawings of this design.
A new plan in my IOM Plan section, the Paperclip Mk3 IOM 2024. The hard chine version of the Ellipsis and Equinox IOM’s. It is intended to be built “Tape and Glue” from 1mm plywood sheets. The PDF and DXF drawings for theses hull and deck panels are included as are the sections if you would like to build the hull over frames. The 2 prototype built so far seem to perform well. The PDF Plan is on 7 A4 and 2 A3 sheets, The laser cut sheets are on 2 large sheets PDF and DXF. The Plan is also available on DXF, or DWG.
February 2024
News has been scarce lately. This is due to my move and other disruptive events.
There are new designs on the way. Stay tuned.
July 2023
The Phoenix 6 10r plan has now been updated to my current P6.1. This is now the plan that is supplied. Please specify if you would like the original plan as well.
June 2023
We have decided to relocate again. This time a smaller house and workshop in the same area.
I will be continuing designing and producing new plans. I have several new designs in the pipeline.
May 2023
Ellipsis 36R 2017 and the lighter variant Ellipsis 36R 2013 are now on my FRD plans page. Both these designs are 36 inch restricted class designs based on the Ellipsis IOM design drawn from builder requests. The original request for 2017 came from John Fisher who wanted a very heavier 36r for vane sailing. This design is the fourth design in the series, which has progressively become heavier and more successful.
Ellipsis 36R 2017:
LOA: 938mm LWL: 915mm BOA: 190mm Disp: 5.1kg
The 2023 36r design was a request from a UK skipper for a lighter version of the 2017 design also for both Radio and Vane sailing.
LOA: 938mm LWL: 915mm BOA: 189mm Disp: 4.4kg
Both plans are PDF format emailed or printed and posted on 6 A4 and A3 sheets. Postage is extra. Each plan costs $15AUD.
December 22
I would like to wish all my customers and supporters a Merry Christmas and a better 2023.
FRD is now on Mastadon.
November 22
Chris Sails based in the Netherlands will be supplying the Phoenix 8 (P8) from 2023:
June 22
I have published the 2017 version of the Goth 36R design. This design is slightly heavier than the 2014 design. Both designs were drawn for John Fisher of San Francisco as a vane boat. The plan is HERE:
March 22
The Cerberus 6 Metre is now finished and sailing. I am hoping that this I will become a production boat in Australia as a recreational boat at least, although there is another designer working on another new Australian 6 Metre design. News of that boat later. Check out the build and sailing photos on my PROJECTS page, as well as the Radio Six Metre Class International Owners Group on Facebook:
I currently have two new IOM designs under way. Work on these has been slow and they will be available this year. I am working on other designs for other classes as well as some none class designs.
December 21
It has been a quiet year all round 2021. I didn’t produce many new published designs this year, although I do have sevral new designs under development. Unfortunatly these design being hard chine plywood and also 3D printed they take a little longer to get right and the drawings are more complex. My sailing has been limited this year just Queensland and I have been concentrating on sailing 10r and A Class, the two largest IRSA classes, and not not racing my IOM in regattas this year apart from the QLD State Championships in November in which I finished 8th with my Ellipsis… which I am pleased about considering the breakdowns and both with the boat and myself. I finished 4th in the QLD 10r Championships this year after a rest of a couple of years in the class with my Phoenix 6.1. I managed a win in the QLD A Class Championships with my new UFO Mk2.
I have also been working slowly the second half of the year on my Cerberus 6m design. The prototype will be sailing early in 2022 and this I am hoping to make female molds and produce moldings and boats. A project I will be starting in 2022 is that of compiling all of my older designs gound back to 1976 into a book which will contain plan reductions as well as photographs, boat descriptions and history.
I will I would like to thank all my customers for their support the last year and hope everyone has a healthy and happy Christmas and New Year and that we can all get back to sailing next in 2022.
July 21
Video of Gary George’s FRD Phoenix 8 10r sailing in Nelson New Zealand:
I have been searching for copies of former ARYA Historian Steve Crewes Files for a couple of years until I remembered the “Wayback Machine” Internet Archive. This is an archive of old website. This is the most recent copy of Steve’s work that I have found and saved: HERE
I have been working on creating a 3D the lines plan for the Australian B Class Yacht “Dawn” designed by V.R.Blacket in 1936. This is a class that was sailed in four clubs in NSW from 1933 until the early 1950’s. It is an A class reduced in size to a rating of 0.7188 meters (28.3 inches) instead of 1meter (39.37inches.) LOA is 1630mm LWL 1016mm BOA 318mm Draught 256mm Displacement is 10.7kg. I will also be recreating a 2D lines and sail plan as well as 3D STL. These plans will be available free from this site when completed.
June 21
New Equinox IOM Plan: The Equinox is a variant of the Ellipsis… IOM. The basic design was produced initially as a 3D printed project that never eventuated for various reasons. Two prototypes were built including a 3D printed boat which was built by John Taylor in the UK. (photo below) The design incorporates several features of some of the newer IOM shapes including a fuller higher bow profile and wider stern. The design is well balanced and well behaved like the Ellipsis as should be as easy to plank from wood as the original Ellipsis… design. A 20 section building frame drawing that can be laser cut will be available soon as well as basic STL with deck design for both deck layouts. More details to the 3D design will be added later.
The Plans will be available soon and cost $18 for the PDF or DXF plan on my my PLANS and IOM Pages.
May 21
The Cerberus 6M plug is now ready to produce the first hull. After the first boat is complete and tested hulls will be available from FRD.
April 2021
I have added the Ellipsis IOM 20 section laser cut drawings with 3mm deductions for planking to my IOM PLANS Page. These were done as an experiment and so far the first boat has turned out well. The drawings are $10 from my IOM page and are in PDF or DXF format sheet size is: 700mm x 400mm.
March 2021
New Phoenix 4 2020 10r is now on my plans page. This is a redesign of an older Ten Rater, which still should be competitive wiht either of the the two foil/ballast options. This is an ideal 10r for wood comnstruction. $30 on my 10r PLANS page.
January 2021
There has been a huge gap lately, due in part to Covid- 19, due in part to working on several projects at once and not making much progress.
My A Class Project is finally coming to an end after 17 months of frustration some 3d printing dead ends, lots of experiments and setbacks as well as just getting pissed off with it and stopping work on several occasions to work on something else. The boat should be sailing in a basic form on Sunday 10th on January. There is still a lot of finishing and development to do. But I am very happy with the look of the boat.
14/01/21 The video of the boat completed and sailing is here:
Plan for the Panda 10r from 1984 is now available as a scan on my Older Plans page. This is the plan that was published in Airborne Magazine and was a very successful design. Cost is $15 and the plan also includes a copy of the original Airborne article.
I have several new designs in the works including new IOM designs. This is a new old Tenrater design. I always though that the Phoenix 4 design although fast went in the wrong direction and I always have thought about what I should have done. So this is P4- 2020, with 2020 hindsight. LOA 1550mm LWL 1250mm BOA 200mm BWL 180mm, 4.2kg ballast on 600mm Draught and P1 to P3, Marblehead style sail plans on a flat deck. This design would also work under Naviga rules. She even drawn in the same software as the original. There will be plans with laser cut sections if needed. Oh – and I think it will be competitive.
Goth XPRG RG65 for 3D printing: Deutsch Benoit has completed these drawings for the Goth XP RG and has kindly made them available for free download from this site. The file is a zipped file containing all the STL files. See my PLANS page. Scroll down until you find FREE PLANS
May has been taken up with continuing work on the UFO Mk2 A class build, and starting on the Cerberus 6M design. This is a class I have wanted to get into for a few decades and with a Covid 19 lock down and with knee and foot injuries to recover from the time is right. The boat is intended to a fun boat for myself to sail in the shallow tidal waters of Tin Can Bay QLD and hopefully as a production boat. There are a couple of boats being built in the UK as well. Go to: PROJECTS
Other points of interest are:
UFO Mk2 A Class prototype hull is finally done. now the actual building starts. See my PROJECTS page. The plans are now available on my PLANS and A CLASS Plans page $35.
The Phoenix MK 8 10r is now available on my PLANS and TEN RATER Page. The initial plan is available as PDF and DXF. An STL of hull and foils will follow.
I was given these plans by former Australian ARYA Historian Steve Crewes. This is Serene, an Australian Six Meter design by VR Blacket from 1940. This is interesting in that it is a Six Metre version of his A class design. The design also fits the US X Class. The think the sailing photo must be of this 6M boat as the NSW Model Yacht Club seemed to sail either 6M or a smaller A class to a smaller rating they called the Australian B Class. The PDF of the very large plan is available from me. Just send me a message. There seems to be more than on of these yachts now in the planning stage.
January 2020
Work is continuing slowly on the new UFO Mk2 A class Plug. The build log on my PROJECTS Page.
New Epsilon RG65 – 65 class design is now available on my PLANS Page and my RG65 – 65 page.
Abacus Mk1 and Mk2 Marblehead Plans, 1999 are now available on my OLDER PLANS Page.
Youtube video of new Spectre P8 10r (70) test sailing again Diamond in the UK. This design as Phoenix 8 will be published as a plan by FRD in 2020.
I have been somewhat busy but i haven’t been updating this. I have several new designs under way, most are being made public until after they are built or available as plans. I am currently working on a Roar Edge Marblehead restoration, (See me PROJECTS Page) a plug for a new A class design, new RG65, 36R and also a non class recreational design.
Richard Uttley has launched his new FRD Spectre P8 10r prototype and is currently campaigning it in Europe.
The design will be available from FRD in 2020.
New Equation Marblehead design plan is now available from my PLANS Page. This is a new design based on my successful Ellipsis IOM concept. Plan are $25AUD in mostly A4 sheet size PDF, with other formats also available.
Another old plan. this one is ET A Class from 1994. available now on my OLDER PLANS page,
New FRD M, 10r and RG/RG65 designs are on their way, as well as more Scans of Pre 2000 designs.
First test boat for the production FRD designed Ellipsis IOM arrived today. Built by ARS composite Freelancer the boat is very high standard and light. Approx $1000US including freight. You can order direct from ARS. https://www.facebook.com/ARS-Composites-freelancer-438385336274045/
Ellipsis M V1c and V2a prototypes are now being tested.

Ellipsis M V1c

Ellipsis M V2a
March 2019
New Cerebus Six Metre design is now available from my PLANS page.
February 2019
First test boat for the Ellipsis IOM being built by ARS Composites.
December 2018
I currently have two Ellipsis IOM kits available. One only Clear Epoxy Glass, $360 plus Freight, and one only White Epoxy undercoated epoxy glass kit $400 plus freight. These can be dispatched once packed. Details HERE
19/1/19 Both kits have been sold. There will be more kits available as time permits.
November 2018
ARS Freelancer is progressing with the tooling for the Ellipsis IOM. Boats will be available from ARS in 2019. Contact
I will be resuming making kits and some boats for version 1 and 2 soon. See IOM Yachts
September 2018
Gary Taylor has won the QLD A Class State Titles with his new self built Gothica A, first time in competition. Well done Gary. GothicA is an FRD FREE plan and is available fro download HERE:
August 2018
I am still working on a new slightly modified P6. The boat will be built to sailing level.
I am also working on a couple of experimental 3D printed molds thanks to the help of Kyle Stewart.
July 2018
I have stopped producing kits for the Ellipsis. I simply can’t produce them fast enough to meet the demand and I have some health issues are also coming into play. I am still working on organising a builder for this design and also making it available to be 3D printed.
I have also for the moment stopped making sails.
June 2018
May 2018
Alien A class design 1987 is now on my Older Plans Page
April 2018
I have started putting up some of my older Pre 2000 plans that were originally drawn on paper then and traced on tracing paper or film for printing in A1 and A0 sizes. These are pdf scans of the original tracings and are these larger sizes that need to be taken to a printer. Most of these plans have not been available since around 1996. The first is the Woodpecker Marblehead and Phoenix 10r both from 1988. https://www.frankrusselldesign.com/pl…/older-plans-pre-2000/
March 2018
The initial run of Ellipsis IOM kits is now completed. From now on Ellipsis will be assembled on spec and made available for sale when completed. I am not a production builder.
I am currently talking to a potential builder who can produce the Ellipsis IOM commercially.
February 2018
I am currently very busy working on a P6 10r in the shop and starting to ready a balsa Gothica A class so I can take two carbon hulls from it for the 2019 Nationals, among other things.
The Ellipsis IOM kits are being produced slowly. The last couple of of the basic kits are being completed over the next few weeks.
I will not be producing any more kits until April at the earliest as I am intent of starting producing assembled Ellipsis and offering them for sale when completed. After this the kits will be revised to include more parts and to make them easier to assemble.
I am also interested if any potential builders to produce the Ellipsis IOM in Asia, Europe or the US. Please contact me if interested.
January 2018
White epoxy undercoat Ellipsis kits are now available.
December 2017
I would like to wish all my customers and supporters a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year and all the best for 2018.
The New Gothic Mk3 Marblehead Plan is now available for purchase for $25Aud on my PLANS and MARBLEHEAD Pages.
Some videos from the Kawana Open in which the Ellipsis finished in 3rd place:
October/November 2017
The first Ellipsis… IOM basic kit is now ready to be packaged up and sent. Hull deck, mast tube/fin case, Servo and winch moldings.
Details are now on my IOM YACHTS page.
I am currently doing less slightly than one kit each week at this stage so there is a back order list.
I will startbuild the first all glass prototype soon in January.
Please see my IOM YACHTS page for details.
The new Gothic Mk3 Marblehead plan will be available for purchase in a couple of weeks.
September 2017
A new Gothica A being built in England by Geoffrey Raygada.
This is a balsa / glass plug from which I will be making a carbon hull .
Pictures of my Build will be on my flickr feed, when I can find out how to send a link from my I phone.
Thanks to Frank for making so many designs on line for no cost. I hope it encourages more people to have a go at building. The build log can be seen here: https://flickr.com/phot…/34727081@N02/sets/72157688764406726
SOLD 10/11/17: In stock one only NEW Phoenix 6 10r hull.
Epoxy carbon/kevlar. White two pack epoxy undercoated. Cedar inwales for carbon two part deck, plans are included. $450AUD plus delivery.
August 2017
SOLD Goth MX14
Three years old. MX Components MX14 works boat.
Three rigs with film sails on black French masts.
Rig Bag. Russell sails. McDowell fin. Rudder servo but no Winch or Radio.
Very dry boat. Competitive if well sailed. $1500 ono
July 2017
A couple of Gothica A class yachts under construction. Iain Kirley from Cooloola Cove QLD is building one from balsa.
Kyle Stewart from Tasmania is building from Paulownia, which will be a plug for a carbon hull.
June 2017
Right…. First time racing was today at Kawana QLD. Could I have had a better day with a new boat first time in the water? No. Not unless I won every race. In fact I won 4 out of 11 races I think against pretty good competition. My worst result was a 5th owning to a shocking second work, but the rest of the places were 2nds and 3rds. Breeze was top of A rig down to drift in the afternoon. Comments were positive and that the boat went better the wind lightened. I was more impressed by the Ellipsis downwind speed which in a bit of wind seems exceptional. Upwind she has good speed good pointing and is well balanced seems to “hunt” wind small direction changes which the MX14 never does. All in all, there seems to be lots of potential but not getting carried away. I can’t wait to see how she goes in B and C rig conditions.
Eddie Cowell Regatta coming up at my club: Kawana RYC.
Under “The Venue” that is me in the blue shirt and the black MX14.
A more or less complete list of my old and current designs is now on the very good “All Radio Sailboats” website here:
New FREE Gothica A Class plan just unloaded to my PLANS and A Class PLANS Pages. This is the latest of the series of Goth Free plans, which started in 2011 with the Goth IOM. plans have now been completed in the following classes: IOM, Marblehead ,10r, RG65, US One Meter, A class. Which reminds me there is also a 36inch restricted version that has not been published.
Progress on the Ellipsis… IOM prototype has been slow, due to unavoidable delays. The boats first sail is a week away, and work will then start on molds for hull deck and internals. It is plans to produce moldings and components to go with the plan, and if reaction is sufficient completed boats. Anyone interested in producing the boat outside of Australia commercially, please let me know.
April 2017
For the next few months I will be concentrating on new designs and redirecting my efforts into plug and mold making and boat construction. As a result I won’t be taking orders for sails for a while, at least until after I have myself sorted out. Sorry for inconvenience caused.
March 2017
Some new images of the Ellipsis IOM thanks to Andrew Stanfield:
Three plans that were previously only available on paper is A0 sizes have been updated this month to A3 printed or PDF plans. UFO and Sidewinder Mk2 A class, and Phoenix Mk4 10r.
January 2017
FRD’s new IOM design Ellipsis… is finally ready and is available from my Plans Page. This design is a different approach to the Goth series. The boat has no chine but has the same volume distribution and excellent hull balance that make chine boats work. Advantages are simplicity as now only a single piece mold is needed for the hull. The deck has been widened slightly from the Goth Mk4 to increase the stay base for better rig control, while the waterline and hull wetted surface is actually less. There are two deck layouts offered. The conventional forward winch layout and an aft winch aft cockpit layout.
December 2016
I would like to wish everyone, not just existing FRD customers, all the best in 2017. i hope you all have a healthy happy year and enjoy your sailing.
I have some new plan designs in the pipeline and hope to build more boats in 2017 and keep boats and moldings in stock for faster delivery.
Plans are now available for the Phoenix 6 Ten Rater See my PLANS page. $30 pdf file or printed.
As featured in the current American Model Yachting Association newsletter #186
November 2016
Apart from working rebuilding this website, I have started on prototype one of a new IOM design named Ellipsis. Plans will be available as well as molded hulls and assembled boats.
May 2016
We are settling into our new house and also into my new larger workshop. Sail making will recommence in May. New IOM and Marblehead designs are under way for this year. New plans will follow as well. I am currently completing a couple of Phoenix 6 10r orders and will continue building both P5.1 and P6 designs into next year.
February 2016
New address from 4th March 2016 is: 1 Cerebus Court Cooloola Cove QLD 4580 ph: 07 54862678. Email and mobile number remain the same.
January 2016
Mark Shepherd has very kindly written a review of his progress updating his Sidewinder Mk1 A class. This is a very successful A Class design of mine from the late 1980’s. There are still quiet a few getting around regattas in most Australian States. Mark asked me to design new bulbs and make suggestions on combinations of ballast weight waterlines to achieve his desired performance criteria. The resulting boat is still a work in progress but has shows marked improvement over the original boat purchased second hand, which was a very successful boat in NSW and was always very well sailed by Daniel Weizman. project-sidewinder-mk1-2015
From 2016 with more space in a larger premises I will concentrating primarily on plans and boat construction in wood, fiberglass and exotics.
I will longer be making sails as a “general sailmaker” to order for customers apart from sails for boats that I have built or am building, initially Ten Rater and IOM.
I will still be making Ten Rater sails, which is a class poorly served by most newer IOM/RG65 focused sail makers and a class in which I have a special interest. I will also make sails for friends or club members who need sails. A Class and Marblehead sails will most probably be added later hen i start producing boats for these classes.
December 2015
FRD Designed Phoenix 7MX 10r available January 2016, 1490Euro FREE SHIPPING!
I am still building the Phoenix Mk6 and when I can for around $2000. I currently have 3 P6’s to build and will continue building them so I have one at least in stock.
October 2015
Big changes coming in the new year with our relocation to Tin Can Bay Queensland. Emphasis will after the move go even more towards design and boat building with an increase in space and an reduction of the amount of radio sailing I will be doing. As a result the Goth Mk4 cedar project has been put on permanent hold. I also have several Phoenix 6 10r boats to complete before the move, or as much as I can get through.
September 2015
Website up. Working on Cedar Goth Mk4.
August 2015
New website is up and is still under construction.
July 2015
Goth Mk4 IOM is available now from my PLANS page.
June 2015
Just received this nice letter from Phil Harpham. Phil’s building log is here
Hi Frank,
In late 2014 I purchased a couple of sets of plans for your Goth XP IOM. Since then I have been working hard to produce my first home built fibreglass yacht and I am pleased to say that the build is now complete!
What can I say other than fantastic! The boat exceeds all expectations on the water and has totally changed my sailing ability. At long last I have a boat that is quick, responsive and a race winner, what more could you ask from a design!
During the build I did make a log (of sorts) and have attached a copy if it’s of any interest to you or any other future builders?
As you have probably guessed I am over the moon with the finished result and I just want to express my sincere thanks for an outstanding design that you have created and inspiring me to build in a method that I had never previously attempted.
Can’t wait for your next design, but don’t do it too quickly as my wife wants the dining room table back!
Best regards & thanks again,
Phil Harpham
Due to time constraints 10r’s P5.1 and P6 are now only available ex stock. More details of what is being built will be on my Projects page.
May 2015
I am basically changing from being a general all classes sail maker to a sail maker specialising in a few classes that I do well. That is: IOM’s, Ten Raters and A class, RG65 as well as concentrating on the sails for the boats I build, which is mostly IOM’s and 10r’s.
I need to stop making a lot of sails for a while so I can get set up properly building boats. I have stopped importing MX boats and intend building my own IOM’s in future along with 10r’s. I used to build mostly 10r’s and M’s.
What I am doing is basically changing from being a general all classes sailmaker to a boat builder who make sails for the class boats that I build.
Eventually in future if I start building say M’s or RG’s I will make sails for those classes, but really the sails I make for those classes I have not been happy with.
I will still be designing boats and publishing plans both free and for sale.
I have not had time to work on any new designs lately due to the amount of sails I have been making.
April 2015
I decided to no longer be Australian Agent for MX Componets who is producing some of my boats.
I will in future be concentrating solely designs, producing plans and building prototypes.
Some boats will be produced for sale and in limited production. See the new Projects Page. These will be available from time to time on my Yachts page.
Sails will continue to be made in limited numbers and variable delivery times.
After numerous requests I have produced an MX14 rigging Guide tailored to the MX14 and using the MX Components Rigging Guide.
March 2015
I receive regular emails asking about the development of the Goth designs.
Goth: was the original free plan drawn as a test after attending a regatta where there were several different new chine designs present and won by Chienz prototype.
Goth MX7: the original hull with an MX designed skiff deck and a bit more bow free board.
Goth evo 2: as above the the mast moved aft. (Very good boat)
Goth evo3: revised flat aft deck and hull changes by MX. Bow filled out and hull V’ed. ( I never liked this version)
Goth MX14/MX14: light air update of the original Goth, with very good MX modified deck, free board increase and bow changes. The free board increase is an improvement but the bow is now too full down low. (This is a very good boat and what I am currently sailing.)
Goth XP: Updated MX14 in its original form. The MX14 is better in open water with its higher bow freeboard.
MX16: An MX designed boat possibly using the MX14 as a starting point. I had nothing to do with this design.
I am working on the first of the XP variants to sail myself. Plans will be available if anyone is interested but they won’t be released generally.
My plans are to build cedar one offs and glass small scale production boats. Both will be available for purchase.
February 2014
Goth XP RG RG65 plan is now available from my PLANS page for $10AUD. The Goth XP RG is more than just a re-scale of the Goth XP IOM. I have taken the shape a little further along, lengthening the waterline and adding more fullness in the ends which I think will be helpful in such a relatively small hull in open water. The original Goth RG has been a great success proving to be a fast well balanced boat and managed a 4th place in UK Nationals in 2014. I hope builders of this new hull will get as much enjoyment from it as all current Goth RG owners.
Trevor Fisher has produced a wonderful building log of the Goth XP IOM. I couldn’t have done this better myself.
Phoenix 6 10r prototype is completed.
January 2015
The Phoenix 5 10r plan is finally available for purchase from my PLANS page. There have been over the last 4 years several boats built in Australia from my molds as well as some boats built overseas from pre release plans. Carbon hulls are available for the Phoenix 5 10r.
Steve Vaczovsky asked me to design a USOM more optimised to light air than the Goth USOM.
The result is the ZEPHYR USOM design. This boat is a bit lighter but has 4% less wetted surface and lower Cp at 0.55 and more forward placed LCB. Plans available from my PLANS page for $15AUS.
I have had a few people asking me about the design of the new MX16. Just for the record. No I didn’t design the MX16.
FRD will be building the Goth Mk4 IOM from mid 2015.
December 2014
Working on the P6 10r prototype. Some new designs on the way in 2015. all the best for Christmas and the New Year.
A new Blog has just started which I will be following with interest: “Buiding an IOM, A Goth XP”
November 2014
Catching up on sail making backorders and starting the first P6 finally. Photos soon.
Goth XP RG plan is coming soon.
I decided after 30 years to retire my old main/jib sail logo, in favour of simply FRD. The label will be more effective on boats, which is my main focus. One off and limited production boats in wood, glass and exotics.
See the bottom of my SAILS page for available stock sails.
October 2014
Slight delay in 10r production due to having to repaint and finish my workshop. Clearing up some small jobs then starting on P6 production.
August 2014
First P6 10r prototypes are now coming off the plug. Hulls are male molded white undercoat finished.
My current website alive since 2006 is soon to be replaced. The Ten Rater Class page now has it’s own website at www.10rater.com. All content old and new will be moved there soon.
July 2014
The P6 10r is progressing. Boats should be available in a few months.
May 2014
Available through FRD is the Kantun Smx IOM design. This is exactly the same boat design that finished 2nd, 5th and 7th in the 2013 IOM World championships. More details are on the Kantun website:
In the works new Gothic XP Marblehead plan, and P6 10r male molds. My aim for the remainder of this year is to produce new designs and molds and component molds to set up starting limited production for 10r and M classes. IOM and RG65 will follow in 2015.
March 2014
Just completed. Goth USOM, A US One Meter design, based on the original Goth IOM design. This is the result of several requests for plans. Currently there a 2 or 3 boats being built to the design.
Plans are available for FREE download on my PLANS page.
Still to be completed is the Goth 36R design. This again is the result of requests for a Vane 36R version of Goth IOM design. This design is narrower and lighter than current hulls, in line with developments on other classes. The first boats are under construction now.
February 2014
Just completed: Goth XP IOM. This is a development of the very successful Goth IOM. I have had many requests for an update to the design.
There have been many boats built to the original Goth design in wood, and fiberglass. There have been many molds made including of course those boats produced in modified form by MX components of Italy, and those boats made available by the Adelaide Radio Control Yacht Racing Club in South Australia.
I apologise if anyone is disappointed that this plan is not a free plan. I have kept the cost to a reasonable minimum $15 AUS or about 10 Euros. This cost is intended simply as a means of keeping track of numbers and location of boats built. When purchasing the plan I will either email or print and post a set of the drawings to you as soon as possible. DXF and DWG versions are available to anyone who wishes to use CNC production.
January 2014
I received this letter a few days ago after asking permission decided to post it, warts and all.
opening the box at lunchtime today my jaw dropped, then I began to laugh uncontrollably. The bloody boat is FLO PINK! Not red.
But the colour has grown on me and I have a huge advantage with this colour in a big fleet. I wouldn’t have had the balls to order fluorescent pink, but she’ll stand out like a sore thumb! I’ll just have to be careful starting. The local IOM fleet are tickled PINK!
To the boat: heavier than I would have liked but lighter than your boat. She’s 623gms with all the fittings. Not bad. I calculate I’ll have 275-280gms of correctors with her fitted out as she is. This is the only disappointment.
Finish – fantastic. It’s second to none. I took a magnifying glass to search for imperfections and couldn’t find any. Hull/deck join is good, most of the fillets are very even and use the right amount for strength.
The trays are secure if not completely evenly fitted but I am picking holes here. The drilled holes for the RMG & rudder servo alignment are true
Foils finish is top notch, fin on the 401mm bulb has a tiny bit more twist than Creedy’s one for the Stealth on a 380mm fin so the fin IS stiff. Weight of both it and the bulb – bang on 2500gms and bang on max draft – IMPRESSIVE! Her rudder is very big, a lot of area, but VERY light at 27gms.
Deck fittings – superb, all quality fittings.
Frank she’s EXCEPTIONAL value for money! She was 830 Euros delivered to my door. That’s £724 in sterling. I’ve sold the Stealth and got £1000 for her, so that will let you know just how much value she actually is. Fully kitted out she’ll cost me under £1600-1650, and that’s not scrimping on her fit out as I’m using the best available from the UK, Italy and Oz!
OK comparisons. I spent an hour and a half on the blower to Neill during lunch both of us with our tape measures. She is uncannily close in a lot of her measurements to the V8. the V8’s rig is a lot further forward and this is why it needs raked a lot, which harms her downwind performance quite a bit if comparing her to the Stealth.
The V8 has more tumblehome but overall is wider. Her stern is slightly wider, but bow fullness and rocker depth position are all within a couple of mm of each other. I’m getting VERY excited by all of this.
The MX cockpit is very long way aft, so thoughtful consideration will be needed to get weight closer to the centre of her.
I can move the RMG aft 20mm if I’m able to get a right angle screwdriver in to fit to tightening the locating bolts. Her rudder servo can be mounted another 25mm forward easily and closer to the mainsheet post.
I can also remove weight forward by cutting two further long slim inspection hatches forward. The RMG switch location will need some careful thought though. It’s almost 30gms.
Her overall build – VERY robust. She’s very well built. No worries at all if someone t-bones me. finbox is also robust enough for her to take a hard grounding.
Frank Safepack are building you great boats if they are of similar quality to the MX14. They are very strongly built. Possibly weight could easily be shaved down here and there. My MX is a quality product in every respect. Her build is better than anything Creedy’s turned out, even with his premium builds, if about 100gms or so heavier. Phil Playle’s boats would be better finished but considerably heavier, 175-200gms or so. Pepe’s boats are possibly slightly better but not by much. Sails Etc boats aren’t as well finished. I’d say on a par with Masterboats, but not sure about weight comparisons. She’s also better finished than anything Jelacic’s has turned out too. Kantun’s or Picantos.
Looking at the Kiwi built V8 she is by far the more superior build, with better quality fittings and finish. Comparing her to the best builds, she’s very close to them. Very close indeed.
One very happy camper at this end, now scratching his head to think of how I can get that 100gms back. Wee buns, with the boat here!
December 2013
I’d like to wish everyone a very happy and safe New Year for 2014. The last year has been a very good year for FRD, and I would like to thank everyone for their valuable support. 2014 looks like being another big year with many new designs and prototypes in the works. A few of the designs will be in new classes for me, mostly as a result of requests from sailors who have liked my designs in the more well known classes. I enjoy the challenge and enjoy seeing these designs built and raced. Thank you and best wishes for 2014.